Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Shane Wheatcroft is an artist based in Kent in the South-East of England. For most of his art career, he has worked as a painter, but in the last few years, Wheatcroft has specialised in collage and screen printing. The source material for his collages comes from his increasingly large collection of vintage magazines, old books, stamps, coins, and any interesting bits of paper ephemera he can find. 

Where do you get your inspiration?

I get my inspiration from everywhere really. Politics, mass media, music, comedy, and other artists. Also, whatever materials I’m using at the time.



Which is the reletioship and influence beetween your cultural backgorund (country, studies, etc.) and your artworks?

I was brought up in a housing estate in the middle of the countryside in England which could be a bit dull. A lot of my work is about mixing the mundanity of everyday life with the glamour of movies and entertainment.

What are you much focused in?

At the moment I’m focussing on large 3d assemblages made from vintage magazines and books.


Have you encountered any difficulties when you first started your art/freelance career?

Not getting paid for commissions and galleries going out of business was the hardest part.


Over these years, what is the most important thing you have learnt from your profession?

To make art for the love of making it, as opposed to whether people will like it or buy it.



Do you think that a creative job is just creativity or it’s discipline too?



Are you currently work on new projects?

I’m currently working on large scale assemblages and collages for various London Theatres. I’m also working on a new series of 3D assemblages based on songs by David Bowie.


“A lot of my work is about
mixing the mundanity of everyday life
with the glamour of movies
and entertainment

To make art
for the love of making it
as opposed to whether
people will like it
or buy it”.


Artist Website > www.shanewheatcroft.com

Instagram > @shanewheatcroft

Facebook > www.facebook.com/shanewheatcroftart


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